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News & Events

May 2023
May 23, 2023, WRDM, IIT Roorkee 11:00 AM
  1. Water Quality and its Interlinkages with Sustainable Devlopment

06 June
06-10 June, 2022 NIH & IIT Roorkee 10:00 Am to 6.30 Pm
  1. Approaches for Management of Groundwater Quantity and Quality with special focus on MAR
Nov 2022
Nov 21-25, 2022, IIT Roorkee & NIH. 09:00 AM
  1. Advanced Tools and Techniques for Managed Aquifer Recharge (ATT-MAR)

Capacity Developement Program on Managed Aquifer Recharge

Groundwater exploitation has grown at a rapid rate and has challenged human capability to sustain the resource, and where the climate is drying the challenge has intensified. Despite various negative consequences of natural and anthropogenic changes, groundwater still has the potential to mitigate impacts of climate change if properly managed, and is probably the most resilient water resource.

A capacity building program is designed by IIT Roorkee, NIH Roorkee, KU Japan, and PNU South Korea under the project entitled “Site suitability mapping for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) under varying climatic conditions using remote sensing and machine learning based hydrological modelling tools” funded by Asia-Pacific Network (APN) for Global Change Research under scientific capacity development programme (CAPaBLE).

Google Earth Engine

A cloud-based platform for geospatial analysis

Hydrological Models

Hydrus and WetSpass for groundwater recharge estimation

Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning tools for ground water level prediction

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Web based tools for MCDA analysis for MAR

Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)

  • Underground rock formations or sedimentary deposits that are permeable enough to store water are known as aquifers. Most aquifers are naturally recharged by rainfall or other surface water that infiltrates into the soil. Aquifers, on the other hand, will be depleted over time in regions where groundwater consumption surpasses natural recharge rates.
  • Managed aquifer recharge (MAR), often known as water banking, is a type of water management that involves employing either surface or subterranean recharge techniques to recharge an aquifer. During dry years, when surface water sources may be scarce, the stored water might be used.
  • The planned recharging of water into aquifers for eventual recovery or environmental benefit is known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). Injection wells, infiltration basins, and galleries are frequently used to collect rain, stormwater runoff, reclaimed water, mains water, and water from other aquifers, which is subsequently recovered for a number of uses.

Trainee officers and faculties of training on "Advanced Tool and Techniques for Managed Aqufer Recharge (ATT-MAR)" organized jointly by WRDM, IITR and NIH during November 21-25,2022

Who Should Join?

The engineers/officers of sates and water professionals are invited to join the forthcoming trainings and workshop.

What to Expect?

This program will serve as a base for site suitability mapping of MAR using remote sensing and modelling tools in India. With the specific emphasis on groundwater issues and MAR-based solutions, the program will support effective and quick planning of MAR projects. The state-of-the-art tools and techniques that will be demonstrated in the training will help better planning and management of MAR to recover affected aquifers and save groundwater-dependent ecosystems.

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